6 Top Concentration Killers
Straying from the task at hand? Here's how to regain your focus.. To help you concentrate, experts say you first need to identify what's derailing you. Here are six common concentration wreckers and what you can do about them. 1. Multitasking “Multitaskers might feel like they’re getting more done, but it almost always takes longer to multitask than to devote your attention to one thing at a time. We lose time shifting between tasks. The researchers found that people lost time when they switched between tasks. And when the tasks were more complex or unfamiliar, they took even more time to switch tasks. The key is be choosy about when you multitask. It’s OK to talk on the phone while you’re folding the laundry, for example, but not while you’re working on a difficult or high-priority task - say, proofreading a report. 2. Boredom Dull tasks can sap your ability to focus and make you more vulnerable to distractions. “When you’re bored, almost anything else can be more attractive...